Due to the colonial past and the consequences there of, the influence of the Portuguese culture is shown throughout Macau. Many places, including the ruins of the church of St. Paul, create a slight impression of how life in Macau was back then. Further sights and attractions within Macau is the Panda Pavillion, the A-Ma Temple, and Hac Sa Beach, the largest natural beach in Macau. Especially the visit to the tenth-tallest freestanding structure in the world, the Macau tower is a must-do during the time of Macau Golf Masters.


The Macau Tower is a great experience for everybody

The famous ruins of the church of St. Paul...
...are a great motive for a group photo.

Enjoying the time at Hac-Sa Beach...
...and having fun taking photos

Watching Pandas in the Panda Pavillion


Everybody wants to have a look at the black and white bear..
...or taking a picture for family and friends at home
Entry to the A-Ma Temple, which is enlisted at the UNESCO World Heritage List
Athletes listening carefully during the guided tour
Experiencing old traditions at the A-Ma Temple




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